Our website is under review. Please contact us if you require any further information.

Supported housing for older people

Phone 01621 840247
Email admin@maldonha.co.uk

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to live in Maldon to apply?

No. Many of our residents have a local connection to the area or family members living nearby. We have had residents from as far afield as South Africa and Australia who have come back to live near their families. Some residents have moved from local villages to enjoy living in a community situated in a small town with its many and varied facilities and services.

Can members of my family stay with me?

Not in your flat, unless you rent one of our two-bedroomed flats, but we have a guest room at Fairfield House which can be booked.

Can I have a pet?

Due to the shared accommodation, pets cannot be accepted.

Are the rents expensive?

We think not, but our residents’ financial circumstances vary considerably. Some are in receipt of Housing Benefit; if you think you would need this, you should contact Maldon District Council on www.maldon.gov.uk

Details of rents for each of our properties can be found on the property pages:

Fairfield House
Berridge House
Deed House

How will I meet new friends?

It’s your choice how many, or how few, of our social activities you take part in; an easy way to start is with our regular coffee mornings. The support staff will help you to settle into your new environment.

Can I bring my own cooker and fridge with me?

Yes, you can bring your own fridge and electric cooker.

What if I need extra care?

We are not a care home, but we offer support to you and your family if it is needed. We can put you in touch with the appropriate medical and support agencies. Our houses have a steady stream of carers, nurses, cleaners, hairdressers and chiropodists coming in and out. Several residents have benefited from an assessment by an occupational therapist which can lead to help with aids and adaptations to your flat.

What about a personal alarm system?

All our flats are fitted with pull cords linked to an alarm system. We also provide pendants for residents to use, linked in to our alarm system. Outside our support staff duty hours the alarm connects residents to an operator at Centra Services – previously Invicta Telecare, who will summon the appropriate assistance.