Moving to each new phase will be at the discretion of the Management Team, based on the best information available at the time.
During this initial phase the Plan will be reviewed and the following preparations made:
• CEO to be responsible for obtaining regular government agencies’ advice and guidance and to timely disseminate to staff throughout the Pandemic
• CEO to be responsible for the update of the plan with any new emergency contact details and information supplied by government agencies, doctors, etc.
• Management Team to agree how staff will operate throughout the three houses to minimise the spread of infection for the duration of a Pandemic and delegation of duties in phase two of the Plan
• Management Team to confirm a list of vital functions to be maintained under their areas of responsibility
• Supported Housing Manager to be responsible for ensuring Residents’ family and medical information is fully updated
• CEO to be responsible ensuring Staff members’ family and medical information is fully updated
• Facilities Manager to be responsible for assessing all known repair and maintenance requirements and prioritise and best manage emergency work
• Facilities Manager to be responsible for timely procurement of stocks of hand gel, disinfectant surface wipes, tissues, disposable gloves, bin liners etc
• Facilities Manager to be responsible for procuring and displaying Notices on Infection control and other relevant posters, information leaflets etc in all houses
• CEO to be responsible for providing all staff with relevant, updated contact numbers
• Management Team to note staff leave booked for the next 3 months
• Supported Housing Manager to be responsible for ensuring all Staff undertake / retake training on infection prevention and control
• CEO and Supported Housing Manager to be responsible for liaising with Residents regarding the Plan as relevant at each stage
• Supported Housing Manager to be responsible for ensuring all staff are instructed in switching Centra Lifeline to remote.
• CEO to be responsible to establish from GPs details of the inoculation position/plan
• CEO to be responsible for ensuring two trained members of staff and two remote access points are available to process payments on Sage Bankline and Payroll
• CEO to be responsible for production of draft letters ready to inform Residents and their Next of Kin to communicate measures being implemented and why
• Management Team to be responsible for meeting with all staff, familiarising them with the situation and this Plan
• The Chair of Trustees will be responsible for communicating with Media.
• Trustees only to attend if requested to do so.
The Management Team will be responsible for communicating to all staff and Trustees, confirmation of implementation of this emergency plan, delegate the duties listed below and re-issue the updated Plan (now containing additional information, government agencies’ advice, guidance and contacts etc).
Infection Control
• Notices on Infection Control Measures and other relevant guidance available – to be distributed to all houses
• Boxes of tissues, pedal bins and hand gel etc – to be distributed to all houses
• Notices to be put up advising on Infection Control Measures and other relevant guidance available in all communal areas and offices – all houses
• Boxes of tissues, pedal bins and hand gel and supplied in all communal areas and offices – all houses
• Cleaning routines in communal areas and offices – to be increased – all houses, at the expense of less essential work. This will include regular disinfection of door handles, remote controls, communal lounge kitchens, laundry rooms and all surface areas, corridor hand-rails, stair-lifts, telephones, computer keyboards etc.
• Letters to be sent to all residents explaining measures to be taken and why
• Letters to be sent to Residents’ Next of Kin, explaining the above
• Board of Trustees to be informed
• Voids in progress to be completed, all new flat allocations to be put on hold
• A small stock of single-signed blank cheques (for non-Bankline suppliers) and £500 in cash to be placed in the office safe. (Cheque signatories are as follows: CEO, Supported Housing Manager, Chair of Trustees and Chair of Finance.)
Doctors Surgery Location / Times Telephone Number
NHS Non-Emergency Helpline 24hrs. Advice Line 111
Blackwater Medical Centre Maldon 01621 876760
Longfield Medical Centre Maldon / Out of hrs. – answer machine message for call out no. 01621 876433
Danbury Medical Centre Danbury / Out of hrs. – answer machine message for call out no. 01245 221777
• Emergency call system
• Daily checks on Residents
• Ensuring access for Carers
• Cleaning common areas as required for infection control
• Shopping for essential supplies for residents who can’t get out (food and medications)
• Carrying out or organising contractors to carry out maintenance emergencies and urgent jobs (ones that threaten health and safety and maintain vital services)
• Ensuring carparks and pathways are clear (and salting key areas if during freeze)
• Salary payments
• Banking
• Invoice payments
• Maintaining a Business presence -answering phone / emails / post
• Ordering/maintaining essential supplies infection control, cleaning materials etc
During this phase, staff will be deployed with an aim to maintain vital services, cutting back on non-vital services as staff levels and government directions dictate
• Signs to be placed on all external doors prohibiting the entry of all non-essential persons
• Social events in all Houses to be cancelled, including coffee mornings etc
• Guest room bookings to be cancelled
• No new guest room bookings to be taken
• The Home Help service to be cancelled
• No maintenance or repair work within flats or communal areas to be undertaken, unless they produce a threat to health and safety or maintenance of vital services)
• The office telephone answer-machine message to be reset to take account of the current situation
• Association work that can be undertaken remotely, will be done from staff members homes
• The Senior Team will liaise daily deciding services that can be maintained, what works must be abandoned and where available staff should be deployed