Dear Family and Friends of Residents,
Important Covid-19 update – information sent to residents today by letter, from our Supported Housing Manager – Mr Rob Keeble
I write to let you know there will be no Support Workers at the houses from today.
Please be reassured our daily calls will continue. They will be made remotely.
If you do not currently receive a daily call and would like to be added to our list, please contact me on 07954 967 016.
If you wish to continue without a daily call, you can contact me between the hours of 8.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday on 07954 967 016.
The normal support mobile telephone number for your house (below) will continue to be answered between 8.30am and midday as normal, but remotely: Berridge House 07850 768 832 Deed House 07850 768 838 Fairfield House 07850 768 842
If you need to pull the 24-hour lifeline alarm:
Monday to Friday between 8.30 and midday – it will go through to your normal house Support Workers mobile and will be answered
Monday to Friday between midday to 4pm. it will go through to Centra lifeline, who will then call me
Between 4pm and 8.30am (overnight) and throughout Saturday and Sunday Centra lifeline will deal as normal.
Please do not call for any repair to be done unless it is producing a threat to health and safety, maintenance of vital services or extensive damage to our property.
Pete (our maintenance operative) and I will be undertaking essential testing (fire alarm, legionella, emergency lighting) on a Monday morning at each house, and undertake daily checks on the premises. If you come into contact with us, or anyone working on the premises, please ensure you use social distancing, keeping at least 2 metres away. Thank you.
It is important you inform me if you have one of our contractors (those arranged privately are not permitted to work in our premises) to carry out absolutely essential work for yourselves.
Our aim, is as always, to provide as much support to you all as possible, during these unprecedented times. Please adhere to advice and stay safe.
Rob Keeble
Supported Housing Manager